How To Avoid Plumbing Emergencies and Expensive Water Damage

Your home’s pipes push lots of water through them on a daily basis. Have you ever really stopped and thought about that and just how hard your home’s pipes work every day?
If you have, then you will want to ensure that your pipes stay in good working condition since the thought of all of the water ending up inside of your house instead of inside the pipes could be a huge disaster and quite nerve-wracking as well.
Here are some tips to help you avoid an expensive plumbing emergency and the need to call a water damage restoration company…
Washing Machine Leak
You place a load of laundry inside your washing machine the way you usually do and then move on to other chores that need to be done. In the meantime, a hose on the washing machine breaks and leaves water all over your laundry room. If you are at home, you can shut the water off to help mitigate part of the problem.
However, what if you are away from home when the hose breaks? The water will continue to flow and flood your house and can cause serious water damage.
To avoid this type of water damage, be sure to not overload the washing machine. When your machine has to work too hard on a regular basis, it is just a matter of time before it breaks down. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations at all times.
Overflowing Toilet
No one wants to have water damage that is caused by a toilet overflowing. It is a really gross mess to have to clean up. Also, it can end up being very expensive. The water cleanup costs for this type of mess can end up costing thousands of dollars. That is especially true when the toilet is located on the home’s upper level and water leaks through your ceiling.
Always have regular maintenance done to help avoid this kind of disaster. Visually inspect the toilet fill, water supply, and flush valve. If the handle is sticking, replace it.
Pipe Burst
The largest problems come whenever a pipe bursts and your house is flooded. This is especially common during the coldest winter months when pipes are more likely to freeze and burst. This type of plumbing system failure can also be caused by blockages, punctures, or rust in your pipes.
It is very important to conduct visual pipe inspections. Also, watch out for any strange sounds inside of the walls whenever there is water running.
If you have any of these plumbing emergencies, call us right away! We’ll send out a plumber who will come to your home or business 24/7 to fix the problem so you don’t suffer severe water damage.